psychology salary


Average Clinical Psychology Salary

According to, the average annual clinical psychology salary was $77,800 in 2010.

Clinical Psychologist Salary by Years Experience

The overall 11-to-12 month median salary for licensed doctoral-level clinical psychologists was $77,800 in 2010. A further breakdown reveals the following average salaries of these clinical psychologists:

  • 0 – 1 year: $51,309
  • 0 – 4 years: $53,087
  • 5 – 9 years: $63,935
  • 10 – 19 years: $71,739
  • 20 – 24 years: $75,727
  • 25 – 29 years: $82,076
  • 30+ years: $92, 582

Clinical Psychologist Salary by Employer Type

Salaries for clinical psychologists in the U.S. vary depending upon where you work. A survey based on type of workplace environment revealed the following median salaries:

  • Hospital: $64,611
  • Non-Profit Organization: $55,844
  • Private Practice: $74,323
  • College or University: $52,319
  • School or School District: $57,644
  • Federal Government: $81,840
  • Company: $60,196

In many cases, it is possible to earn well over $125,000 as a clinical psychologist, depending on the career path you choose and your professional experience, because the APA also indicated that their salary data represents:

  • Salaries for individuals who are employed full time (at least 35 hours per week in salaried positions)
  • Net income after office expenses for self-employed individuals who are working at least 35 hours per week
  • Net income for individuals with a full-time (at least 32 hours per week) independent practice

Because many psychologists have additional sources of income from multiple work activities and settings, this data may not represent total income.

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