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Жаным, жаным, жаным
Ведь ты мой ангел
Quello che mi davi tu
Насыров — Ты это я
ты и я на расстоянии звонка
потому что я тебя одну люблю 
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Убыль веса -  5-6 кг

Срок применения  — до 1 мес.

Данная диета хорошо помогает в очищении организма, нормализации микрофлоры кишечника и медленно, но верно уменьшает ваш вес. При этом вам не понадобиться значительно менять ваш рацион питания. Действие диеты особенно ярко проявляется у людей с различными нарушениями в деятельности кишечника. Большинство людей даже и не предполагают, какие «залежи» каловых камней они носят в своей толстой кишке. В первые дни диеты могут проявляться различные нарушения стула, которые обычно проходят через один-два дня. Поэтому начинать использовать диету лучше всего в выходные дни, что бы не испытывать неудобства.

Основа диеты — кефир и сырая гречневая крупа. С вечера необходимо в пол-литровую кружку или банку высыпать столовую ложку гречневой крупы с горкой и стакан 1% кефира, перемешать и оставить на ночь в холодильнике. Утром довести до комнатной температуры и съесть. После этого два часа ничего не есть и не пить. В дальнейшем питаться по обычной схеме, но исключить алкоголь, уменьшить количество жирной, рафинированной пищи. Стараться употреблять больше овощей и фруктов. В некоторых случаях эффект от диеты просто удивительный. Если же значительных изменений не отмечается, постарайтесь уменьшить калорийность пищи. В любом случае вреда от этой диеты не отмечается. 

Эту диету можно употреблять и более длительное время без всякого вреда для здоровья.

Смотрите так же - гречневая диета

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Низкокалорийные блюда

Согласитесь, многие из нас сидели на диетах, отказывая себе во всем, практиковали разгрузочные днишаг к красивой фигуре – внимание к калориям. Конечно, запомнить весь список здоровой и полезной пищи и лечебное голодание, пытались заниматься спортом. А ведь первый (и совсем не сложный!) довольно сложно, а постоянно вглядываться в этикетку, калькулируя содержание жиров, белков и углеводов, довольно затруднительно. Однако есть один маленький секрет, зная который можно с легкостью выбрать на прилавке в магазине низкокалорийные продукты. Все просто: чем больше в продукте содержится воды, тем меньше в нем калорий! А еще существует небольшой списокнизкокалорийных продуктов, из которых, соответственно, при правильном приготовлении получаются низкокалорийные блюда.

  • Фрукты: цитрусовые, яблоки, ананасы, айва (а вот часто баловать себя авокадо не стоит – это самый калорийный фрукт).
  • Ягоды: самыми низкокалорийными являются вишня, клюква и ежевика (к примеру, виноград содержит в два раза больше калорий).
  • Овощи: огурцы, тыква, кабачки, капуста брюссельская и цветная, редис, редька.
  • Зелень: салат, шпинат, зеленый лук.
  • Грибы: белые грибы, опята, подберезовики, подосиновики.
  • Молочные продукты: кефир, нежирный творог, йогурты, простокваша.
  • Мясо: телятина, сердце и почки.
  • Рыба и морепродукты: морская капуста, кальмар, карп, креветки, крабы, минтай, навага, раки, сельдь атлантическая, судак, треска, щука.

Самым низкокалорийным из всех соусов является кетчуп – его можно спокойно употреблять в пищу, не боясь лишних калорий. А вот такие продукты, как сушеные белые грибы, жареные грибы в сметане, орехи и семечки, сушеные плоды, яичный порошок, хлебобулочные изделия, брынза коровья, мороженое, сливки, сыры, сметана, зерновые и бобовые продукты, большинство видов мяса и некоторая рыба, разнообразные соусы содержат большое количество калорий. А теперь предлагаем несколько элементарных рецептов низкокалорийных блюд, приготовление которых не займет много времени.

Омлет «Доброе утро»

Для приготовления этого чудесного омлета (кстати, от омлетов и яичниц тоже особо не толстеют) вам понадобятся несколько яиц (в зависимости от количества человек, начинающих с вами новый день), молоко, помидоры, зелень и сыр. Рекомендуется сначала обжарить помидоры, затем залить это смесью яиц и молока (предварительно массу взбить), а когда омлет будет почти готов, посыпать тертым сыром. На самом деле этот омлет примечателен тем, что каждый может придумать свой вариант, добавив овощей, фруктов или мяса. И главное, что утро с таким омлетом обязательно станет добрым.

ЯндексДиректДать объявление
ООО НПП «БИОМЕР»Производство анализаторов молока «Клевер-2», «Клевер-2М»biomer.ruХотите купить Фрукты?Все товары и услуги, фирмы и организации на сайте справочника Наш город.www.nash-gorod.kzПродукт менеджеру. СеминарЭффективные переговоры для закупщиков. Увеличьте прибыльность фирмы!www.mbs-seminar.ru


Салат витаминный

Самыми низкокалорийными блюдами являются салаты, так как в большинстве своем они состоят из самых низкокалорийных продуктов. Для приготовления витаминного салата вам потребуется 1 твердое яблоко, 1 средняя морковь, 1 огурец, 1 помидор, 200 г молодой капусты, 200 г вареной курицы и низкокалорийный майонез. Все ингредиенты нужно мелко порезать, смешать, немного посолить и заправить майонезом.

Ягодный десерт

Если вы любите сладкое, это еще не значит, что вы обречены страдать от лишнего веса. Существует много рецептов низкокалорийных десертов. Для приготовления нашего Ягодного десерта нам потребуется чуть-чуть специй (корица, гвоздика), 200 г малины, 200 г черники (ягоды можете выбрать и другие ), 25 г меда, 4 бисквита, 200 г йогурта без наполнителя, 2 столовые ложки миндаля, порезанного полосками. Для начала нам нужно в течении 2 минут подогреть специи на огне, время от времени помешивая. Добавить малину, чернику и мед и подогревать 5 минут, пока ягоды не дадут сок. Бисквит следует разложить по бокалам и полить теплой ягодной массой. Когда ягоды немного остынут, сверху положить йогурт и поставить охлаждать минут на 15, пока бисквит не пропитается ягодным соком. Украсить десерт можно жареным миндалем.

Приятного аппетита!

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Clinical Psychologist Salary


The average salary for a Clinical Psychologist in the UK is: 


Job profile for a Clinical Psychologist

a clinical psychologist work with people who have a wide range of mental or physical health problems. These can include anxiety, depression, addictive or behavioural disorders, relationship problems, child and family problems, adjustment to physical illness, learning disabilities or serious mental illness. They aim to help clients to cope with their problems and make positive changes. Salaries in the NHS may range from around £26,000 a year for a trainee to £70,000 or more for very senior psychologists. Salaries in private practice vary. To become a fully-qualified clinical psychologist, candidates must: Complete an honours degree in psychology that is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) for the Graduate Basis for Registration (GBR). The degree should normally be at least an upper second. Gain relevant work experience before applying for a place on a doctorate course. This could be as an assistant psychologist or research assistant, but experience in nursing or in social services may also be useful. Complete a three-year, full-time Doctorate in clinical psychology. Entry is extremely competitive with less than thirty per cent of applicants being accepted each year. for more information visit jobs4u.com and click on clinical psychologist.

Clinical Psychologist Job Profile

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If you are a Clinical Psychologist and you would like to share your current salary with us just like hundreds of other professional workers do every day, please do so with our salary calculator.

Clinical Psychologist Salary Comparison

In 2008, the average salary for this job was £35600. The 2009 figure, as recorded above, is £41544. This is a difference of 17% from 2008 to 2009. Figure based on 32 respondents in the 2009 UK data survey.

In 2010, the average salary for Clinical Psychologist jobs is £38,591. Compared to 2009, this is a change of -8%. Figure based on 20 respondents in the 2010 UK data survey.

The median salary for a Clinical Psychologist based on all salary survey responses is: £40,000

Back to list of jobs beginning with C 

Back to Salary Survey Home About the Salary Survey Data in this survey is based on over 200,000 pieces of salary data. The date period for which job information was gathered varies, but is usually between 2008 — 2011. For precise date related information, custom reports may be ordered with greater granularity. Working 8 hours a day, 250 days of the year, the data suggests the hourly rate for Clinical Psychologist is £20.77

Assorted Clinical Psychologist Salary Information

£43,338South West16-February-11
£35,000Yorkshire and North East12-February-11
£40,150South East29-October-10
£31,000East of England4-October-10
£53,000Northern Ireland27-August-10
£45,000East of England17-July-10
£43,388South East10-June-10

Clinical Psychologist Salary By UK Region

£25,000South West
£29,930Yorkshire and North East
£39,500North West
With regard to age and impact on salary for a Clinical Psychologist, a statistical average weighting (that is based on how salary varies by age and not for a specific job which may vary considerably) suggests these figures: £31,158 for a worker in their 20s, £40,714 (30s), £48,192 (40s) and £48,192 (50s).
View full salary data FAQs 

Press enquiries 

Information on using the salary data and granularity
Find out how this salary compares to PR5 6 postcode house prices at our UK property prices site. The average salary figure above for a Clinical Psychologist is considered highly likely to be representative of the UK market average due to the high number of respondents who had this exact job title.
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The Average Salary in Psychology

By Cassidy Velez, eHow Contributor 

updated: May 24, 2010

<fb:like style=«position: relative; display: inline-block;» class=" fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" ref=«like» layout=«button_count» width=«90» href=«www.ehow.co.uk/about_6546596_average-salary-psychology.html»></fb:like>Psychologists have varying salaries.

Salaries for psychology professionals vary based on several factors including where a person works and her level of education and experience. The type of job a psychology professional holds and the type of employer she works for also determines salary. Over a quarter of psychologists are self-employed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

  1. Job

    • There are several types of jobs that people in the field of psychology may work. Those working as psychiatrists have some of the highest salaries with a reported median of $152,600 according to PayScale.com. Those working as child psychiatrists may earn more than that with a median income of $162,700 as of May 2010. Clinical psychologists have a median salary of $65,400, industrial organizational psychologists have a median salary of $64,800, and psychotherapists have a median salary of $48,000.


    • Generally, the more experience someone in the field of psychology has, the higher the salary. Accordingly, those with 20 plus years have some of the highest salaries with a reported median of $96,200 as of May 2010. Those with 10 to 19 years of experience have a median salary of $88,700 while those with five to nine years of experience have a median salary of $72,700. The least experienced professionals in psychology, those with less than one year of experience, have a median salary of $48,300 according to PayScale.


    • Depending on which job you aim for, you have several degree choices. Those with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) have some of the highest salaries with a reported median of $161,300. Those with a Ph.D in psychology report a median salary of $70,900 while those with Bachelor of Arts (BA/AB) in psychology have a median salary of $50,800 according to PayScale. As of May 2010, psychology professionals with a Master of Social Work (MSW) have a median salary of $49,800.

    Employer Type

    • Psychology professionals have the opportunity to work for a variety of employer types. Those working for teams have a median salary of $100,000. Those working for the federal government have a median salary of $92,300 while those working for state and local governments have a reported median of $74,000 according to PayScale. As of May 2010, psychology professionals working school districts and franchises have some of the lowest salaries with respective medians of $55,200 and $40,000. Self-employed ones have a median salary of $84,300.


    • Where a psychology professional works also plays a role in his salary potential. Those working in San Francisco have some of the highest salaries with a median of $89,200 as of May 2010. Those working in New York City report a median salary of $78,400 while those in Atlanta report a median of $72,400. Chicago-based psychology professionals have a median salary of $61,500 and Philadelphia-based ones have a median of $64,100 according to PayScale.

Read more: The Average Salary in Psychology | eHow.co.uk http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_6546596_average-salary-psychology.html#ixzz1JEhAngiq
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This depends entirely on the field of psychology and the level that the psychologist works at.

First off, someone who has studied only an undergraduate psychology degree is not a psychologist. Postgraduate degrees such as Masters and Doctorates are needed to become a chartered, practising psychologist in the UK. The only post of 'psychologist' that can be taken on by someone who has only an undergraduate degree is 'Assistant Psychologist'. An Assistant can expect to earn from £15-25000 per year.

A psychologist who has completed the appropriate postgraduate qualifications can expect to earn around £25-40000 per year. Again this varies depending on the qualifications needed for the specific field. For example, clinical psychologists typically earn more than forensic psychologists and this may be because clinical psychology requires a 3 year doctorate whereas forensic requires a 1 year MSc. Psychologists who practise privately can earn more than this but ti will depend on how many clients they have and how much they charge.

A very experienced psychologist, such as one promoted to consultant clinical psychologist, can expect to earn £60-90000 per year and that's just within the NHS. Some occupational psychologists working for high end businesses can make in excess of £80000 per year.

Most psychologists are employed by Government institutions such as the NHS and the Prison Service and many others are employed by charities. So in order to justify receiving a high salary you need at least a Masters degree, sometimes a doctorate and a lot of years spent gainig experience and working your way through the ranks.

Hope this helps!
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Psychology BSc UCAS Code: C800 

The Psychology BSc at UCL reflects our belief that you should be exposed to the widest possible coverage of the field of psychology, together with the opportunity for a measure of specialisation within your studies, in order to make informed and rational decisions about your future career.


Please click the headings below for further information:

 Entry Requirements and Application

 Degree Summary

Degree Structure

In each year of your degree you will take a number of individual modules, normally valued at 0.5 or 1.0 credits, adding up to a total of 4.0 credits for the year. Modules are assessed in the academic year in which they are taken. The balance of compulsory and optional modules varies from programme to programme and year to year. A 1.0 credit is recognised as being equivalent to 15 credits in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).  Year OneCompulsory coursesIntroduction to Psychological Experiments
Introduction to Statistical Methods in Psychology
Concepts and Methods in Psychology
Memory and Decision
Social Psychology
The Psychology of Individual Differences Optional coursesYou will take two subsidiary courses from outside the department. Year TwoCompulsory coursesResearch and Quantitative Methods in Psychology
Design and Analysis of Psychological Experiments
Brain and Behaviour
Health and Clinical Psychology
Perception, Attention and Action
Cognition and Language
Developmental Psychology Optional coursesEither:
Computing for Psychologists
One subsidiary course from outside the department Final YearCompulsory courseResearch Project Optional coursesYou will select six optional courses to the value of 3.0 credits. Options may include:

Social Psychology
Psychology of Education
Organisational Psychology
Psychology of Health Risks
Human Computer Interaction
Applied Decision Making
Language & Cognition
Human Learning and Memory
Cognitive Neuroscience
Brain in Action
Genes and Behaviour
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Clinical psychologist

Clinical psychologist:Salary and conditions

  • Trainee clinical psychologists start at Band 6 (£24,000). After qualification, salaries within the National Health Service (NHS) start at Band 7 (see NHS Careers ). A typical starting salary would be in the region of £27,000 (salary data collected Sept 09).
  • For more experienced psychologists, salaries start at Band 8a, from £30,000 up to £50,000 (salary data collected Sept 09).
  • Band 8 roles apply to senior experienced psychologists, possibly managing departments or large specialist sections with responsibility for the psychology service and its staff. Salaries in these posts can be in excess of £80,000 (salary data collected Sept 09).
  • A London allowance is payable in the NHS.
  • Salaries in private hospitals and private practice vary.
  • Working hours are generally nine to five, with the possibility of extra hours in the evenings or weekends. Occasionally, an on-call system covering emergency situations may be in operation.
  • Self-employment/freelance work is sometimes possible. Opportunities for private or clinical practice, and for industrial or commercial consultancy, are growing.
  • In 2008, 82% of new entrants to the profession were female, with a slightly smaller proportion within the profession as a whole. This reflects the gender ratio of students taking first degrees in psychology.
  • Jobs are available in most large towns and cities, with fewer opportunities in rural areas.
  • The work can be stressful as it involves contact with many different types of people who are often distressed in some way. Supervision by colleagues is important. Occasionally, situations of potential personal risk may be encountered.
  • Local travel within a working day is common. Absence from home overnight may occasionally be required. Overseas work or travel is uncommon.
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